I beleive that is covered under Rule No. 7.....

by John Meeker @, Friday, May 31, 2013, 06:24 (4139 days ago) @ Hobie

There's a shoebox of 'carries' in the clutter room. Mine wife carries a small three blade-r, and owns her own 'social knives'. Me, the same, tho' I swap out the daily and often resharpened utility locker for a razor-edge fast-opener, when on the town.

On the Greek island of Lesthos, where came my nephew in law and his outdoors-man dad, the saying is: "A man should always carry two knives, for a man with one knife has no knife".

Speaking of edged steel, over time I've accumulated about half a 5-gallon bucket of good ol' wood handle carbon steel butchers, stickers, and skinners. Paid .50 cents to a buck for most of 'em at garage sales. I blame Ritchie at Backwoodsman Magazine and childhood memories of farm wife kitchen knives. I suppose. At any rate, Ritchie's sales descriptions just kinda hang the romance of history on that vintage cutlery. Some are mere slivers of sharpened-away steel, and others are damn near new save the aging. But they all take an edge a person can appreciate. And a few really great examples hang on my shop wall, just to look at and appreciate.

Anyway, knives, usage, and ownership attitudes are about as sure a social marker as guns. Some urban types so frightened by the presence of open knife that you have to laugh...tho' the recent sheeple-bleating about "knives on planes" and stiff anti-knife laws in Urban Areas, seem aimed to be as senseless as Great Britain, where a shipping clerk was once convicted of carrying TWO box cutters that he used on the job. The Judge told him no one needed more than one such knife. BAAAAA!!!!

Ironically, the urban set seems not to be disturbed at all to own uber-expensive Japanese [and other] fine chef/cooking knives. Just check any upscale cooking store -- nice steel!! I gotta laugh at that, because one of the handiest as-hoc defensive house knives are the ordinary French chef styles sitting in the wooden block on the counter top.

Footnote: Stalinist Russia, as reported by Solzhenitsyn, banned ALL knives with over a six-inch blade, which law was ignored by the criminal element, as they were criminals already. DANG!!! Who'd question such logic, eh?

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