Criminal element, eh?

by Paul ⌂, Friday, May 31, 2013, 07:56 (4139 days ago) @ John Meeker

Back in '07 the local branch of the national police had done a disarmament operation over the past three months or so. They netted 5,220 cutting, poking, slicing, chopping tools from random pat downs around town. They claimed they'd "prevented 5,220 injuries" by such tactics. They had the weaponry laid out in Bolivar Plaza downtown and I took some pics with my cell phone (I'd love to have such a chance with my current phone/camera the '07 pics are low quality) [image]

There were various kinds of disposable blade box cutters, old kitchen knives - both stainless and carbon steel, pieces of hacksaw blade inserted into Bic lighters for handles, various types of scrap steel with tape or rags wrapped around for a "handle", cheap chinese folders, scissors in various states of disrepair, kitchen forks, screw drivers sharpened to a wicket point and who knows what all else. What they did in that operation was net a few pounds of scrap steel and not much else. The folks who were deprived of their weapons merely went out, found another hunk of steel and sharpened it up then went back to "work". Oh, and it didn't keep folks from obtaining and carrying cutting implements. I found one someone dropped in front of our house a few weeks back.

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