Thanks for posting that!

by Glen, Thursday, May 09, 2013, 13:29 (4161 days ago) @ Boge Quinn

I had seen some of the Joe Satriani stuff before, but I didn't realize that he was sharing the stage with Stevie Ray.

I am reminded of a time when I lived back in Austin -- this would have been about 1980 or so -- and Stevie Ray got together to do a one-off acoustic duet with his brother Jimmy Vaughn. As soon as I heard about it, I hopped on my bicycle and rode over to the restaurant they were doing it in. Unfortunately, it was already filled to capacity and the waiting line to get in stretched around the block. It was rumored that both of them were doing "non-typical" things for them, like playing 12-string, playing slide, Dobro, etc., and that they played for several hours, doing old traditonal country blues, early rock-a-billy, spontaneous jams, etc. But sadly, all I can do is report on the rumors I heard because I never got inside to hear what they actually played....:-(

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