I would not use JB Weld...

by rob @, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 21:28 (4166 days ago) @ FOG

It might work and I've fixed a lot of stuff with it but a lot of times it doesn't like to bond to a smooth surface. Personally, I'd do one of three things...use a few drops of liquid acraglass to glue the internals, followed by Accraglass gel mixed with aluminum powder to fill the hole. Or, two, cut a pin and fit it with a file to perfect size to ride in the spring. The spring will capture it, holding it in place and the pin will be a permanent mechanical lock that won't allow anything to move. Three, I've always said I should make a plug to perfectly fill in the frame and the hole. It could be made of stainless, finished to the frame on both visible spots and be rebrushed. I've since heard someone is doing something similar but can't remember who. Personally, I'd go with option two. If the gun ever needs to go back to the factory it's a simple thing to remove the pin and its in original form again. Once returned just pop the pin back in. I guess an equally efficient method might be to remove the whole thing, tape over the hole and pour in Accraglass gel with the aluminum. After it dries remove the tape. As long as it dries in one piece the hammer will hold it in place even if it ever pops loose. Personally, I wish S&W would just stop drilling the stupid holes in the side of the gun or give us an option but I'm convinced that will never happen.

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