S&W and The Dreadlocks

by FOG, Saturday, May 04, 2013, 19:04 (4166 days ago)

I normally avoid The Dreadlocks, but on some models you just don't have a choice. For example, I played with a 4-inch .500 for a short while after they first came out, and of course it had a Dreadlock.

I think I may have said so before, but if I ever buy a Dreadlock gun again, I would probably disable the system with the judicious application of JB Weld.

I might remove the spring (I don't recall, but I think there's only one spring), but that would be about it. I would 'glue' everything in place, including the Flag, letting the JB Weld fill the visible gaps, cracks, and crevices.

I would also fill the 'Allen' Keyhole in the rotating part of the Dreadlock assembly with JB Weld (the hole that accepts the S&W Key, not the hole in the frame itself), then finish the filler flush with side of the frame.

I haven't done this yet and don't necessarily recommend it, but I think the results would probably be more aesthetically pleasing than the stock arrangement: I imagine the JB-filled Keyhole looking like another flush-fit-and-finished pin and the outline of the flag being less apparent, even when viewed from directly above.

That's what I think anyway, so if I ever get the chance, I probably will try it.


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