periodically Great NOrthern Guns, here , will have a sudden

by lee e. jurras, Hagerman, NM, Friday, May 03, 2013, 21:41 (4166 days ago) @ cable

Cable, know the feeling exactly. Literally hundreds of pistols and revolvers have passed thru my hands over the past 50 years, all have been shooters I've never been a collector per se. Tho several of my guns have brought collector prices. At present I own exactly 5 handguns, each has taken game here and abroad, at nearly 80 years of age I find those five keep me plenty busy. They range from 22 RF thru 500 Linebaugh.
If I can't shoot them they hold no particular interest. Tho I do find all handguns interesting, each for its own reason. :-P

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