periodically Great NOrthern Guns, here , will have a sudden

by cable, Friday, May 03, 2013, 18:09 (4167 days ago) @ John Meeker
edited by cable, Friday, May 03, 2013, 18:12

influx of high quality collectors pieces and at the same time the tables there will have old and unusual reloading components, etc etc. this invariably means that one of number has bit the dust. and boy!!!... it does make you think about it.

i reduced my collection drastically when my health took a big dive downward.....fortunately it has improved and i am re accumulating things. ..... but i did sell and /or give away an enormous amount of books and magazines
[indeed got rid of essentially all books of every kind but the reloading books ],etc. etc. and i am NOT replacing those.

i believe i do have more time to enjoy this earth and my loved ones, and i am deeply grateful for that and grateful that i will have them to pass many of my treasures on to, and know that they will be used and appreciated.

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