A freind's hoard has kept three of us occupied for hours

by John Meeker @, West End of Lake Erie, Friday, May 03, 2013, 16:52 (4167 days ago) @ cas

now beyond counting. A safe full of guns: SxS doubles [gone], all the related paraphernalia,[mostly gone] and still to go....there are several hundred GOOD books [list not completed yet], a 2 1/2 garage shop, and the eternal besiegement by every gun-hound who ever knew or heard of the guy -- just wanting a 'remembrance for free'. We think it'll never happen, and in fact he went into 'care' quite cheerfully, unaware of the changes in his life.

The good side is that his items have been appreciated and sought after and that at least one grey-ing generation will remember him. And of course, the irony: none of the three of us, are exactly monks with begging bowls -- regarding personal outdoors goods. "Working on it, Boss."

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