Thanks Matt, kind of what I figured.

by cas, Monday, April 15, 2013, 21:11 (4185 days ago) @ matt/pa

That's too bad. :-(

I'll never forget the first time I saw him. The night of/before the first Nor' Easter. I finally pulled up into Joe's driveway around midnight or so. In the dark it looked like the Munster's house, or something the Manson family would be living in. lol :-D

I thought to myself "Oh good lord, what have I gotten into?" First thing I did before I got out of the car and walk to the house was strap on a loaded gun.

I knocked on that screen door and walked in and was greeted by the sight of that mountain of a man sitting on a over stressed little chair. ("Oh good lord, what have I gotten myself into!!??")

For those who didn't know him, Jim/Deaf Smith looked sort of like a cross between "Grossberger and John Quade, but had this kind of higher pitched, nasally voice that didn't really fit his body, but it did fit his personality. lol He was not at all what I expected.

Rest in peace Jim. :-(

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