by John K., Monday, April 15, 2013, 18:07 (4185 days ago)

Finally remembered the fella's name. He of the 44mag Super Red complete with scope. That was another point of contention with Mr. J.; Scopes Do Not Belong On Handguns. Yessir, that's him.

Of course, all these other names were stirred up in the process of searching my dusty memory.

Deaf Smith
RodWMG (deceased)
Wilson Dew (deceased)
Mike Fletcher
Dennis Leahy (cabbie) (Had some issues with ex and child custody, then vanished)
Wayne Miller
Matt@the beach (Think he left 'cause everyone kept talking bad about California)
Combineman (Last I knew, he went from long haul trucker to driving trucks at INEL)
north "wet"
Wayne Miller
William, or Wm.
HHI812 (Alaska, Dennis Madriaga, IIRC.)
John Ammeter
Heavy Duty Hoosier
Sixgun (PA? Had about a dozen Yorkies and lots of cool old guns)
The infamous "Brian T." (Major jerk. He threatened to whip everyone on the board)

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