by rob @, Monday, April 15, 2013, 18:23 (4185 days ago) @ John K.

Alsatian is Scott Tschirhart, pretty much my best friend. We've both undergone a lot of changes since then...I'm not nearly as full of myself these days as I was back then:) Rod(WMG)-wants more guns! He was a pretty good guy. If I had heard he passed, I've forgotten. I suspect I've missed it. I do associate with quite a few of these gentlemen on FB. Louis Ballard, Wayne Miller, Mcump(He's a blast to go hunting with...been too long!)., a few others on FB too. I've made some great friends through this long line of forums. BrianT was the one that said the finish just falls off Glocks and was gonna show up at the CSA in Athens and whip my arse. I gave him my home address as well but never had the pleasure of meeting him:)

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