In the Flattop and New Vaqueroes they use...

by rob @, Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 19:41 (4211 days ago) @ Sarge

A spring loaded detent ball in the recoil shield that let's the cylinder turn past it but not backwards. Clicks and locates the cylinder chamber perfectly and if you go a bit too far just turn it back till it stops and its aligned. Very simple design and they work great. I personally wish they'd come out with an all steel, 4 5/8" 357 Blackhawk on the small frame (not a Flattop). It seems odd that they continue to make them on the 44 frame yet they make the New Vaquero on the small frame. It makes sense to offer the 45 Colt on the small NV frame and large Blackhawk frame so folks who like the heavy 45 Colt loads have the Blackhawk. Not sure why they need to keep making the 357 on the large frame now that they obviously have the means to produce it on the OM frame. I'm not a big fan of the Flattop frame...I don't dislike it, I just prefer the Blackhawk style with the sight ears.

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