I started with a 6" Model 66 and...

by rob @, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 19:22 (4212 days ago) @ FOG

Within a year decided it wasn't a 44 mag. Traded it for a Virginia Dragoon, then that turned into a 10" SBH, that turned I to a Redhawk, etc. Before I knew it I had a closet full but have been buying, trading, refining and changing my mind for way to long...I'm done with that:) I started reading Ross Seyfried and he convinced me I needed to get rid of those weak sister 44's and upgrade to 45 Colts. Did that, came back around the block AGAIN and I'm comfy right here where I started with a 357 and a couple 44 Mags and I just don't see that ever changing again:) The only thing really lacking is a good basic 1911. I'd really like to get my hands on a stainless Gold Cup to fondle, love, shoot and appreciate. I wouldn't carry it but I'd sure love to have a really nice one.

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