RE: the S&W 'lock'

by FOG, Tuesday, March 19, 2013, 11:32 (4212 days ago) @ rob

Lacking a crystal ball, I'm not sure, but most seem to agree the lock is here to stay.

Recognizing, I think, that part of gun-buying public doesn't like it, S&W has reintroduced a few 'hammerless' Centennial-type revolvers without the lock, but as far as I know they haven't gone any further in that direction.

Personally, I don't like it, but only because it's 'cheap', not because it doesn't 'belong' on a revolver. If they had implemented something more graceful, I'd probably have no problem with it.

But I don't have any now, and I have no plans to acquire any. There are still plenty of 'real' S&Ws out there, so that's what I'm sticking with.

OTOH, I did play around with the .500 for a short time, and of course it had a lock. If I had a need or use for something like that, the lock would probably only be a minor consideration.

However, if I carried one in Bear Country, I would disable the lock, probably using JB Weld (including filling the hole for the key flush with the frame).

I took mine apart to get a good look at that little rat trap, and it's a flimsy affair at best.

If I thought my life might depend on the gun, I would either disable the S&W lock, or it wouldn't have one in the first place.


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