Questions on the S&W 40 caliber cartridges

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Friday, March 15, 2013, 13:54 (4216 days ago) @ Alfred John

On recoil- You would have to shoot the two cartridges in the same gun--at the same weight--to be able to draw even subjective conclusions. As it stands, many folks report that the smaller .40's (Glock 27, etc.) exhibit harsher recoil than typical pistols chambered for the 45 ACP.

I have to wonder how much of that is real vs regurgitated 'innernet wizzdum'. I used to shoot my 45 cal 1911 with a co-worker who had a Colt Delta Elite in 10mm. We'd pass the guns back & forth occasionally. When loaded with full-snort loads, neither of us could tell enough difference in them to matter.

The cartridge itself is quite versatile and I like it a lot. Its powerband can cover anything from light 38. Special to low-end .357 and 45 ACP. It is one a very few 'government programs' that actually resulted in something good.

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