Glock shootability...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Saturday, March 02, 2013, 16:23 (4229 days ago) @ rob

I had to shoot Glocks to the exclusion of everything else for six months... total immersion, if you will. As with any other handgun, lot of it is getting it perfectly zeroed for you. I get along OK with the stock 5.5 lb trigger, which is two-stage in the classic sense; free take-up and a firm spot that is a little added pressure away from the break. Been known to tweak the finger-grooves to suit me.

The rest is here:

I accept that I will never be able to shoot a plastic pistol as well as a 1911 I set up myself. I can usually take a good 1911 and shoot it about as well with one hand, as I can shoot a Glock with two. I also can't get a 14 shot Commander that refuses to choke, is impervious to rough treatment, etc. Different tools...

but I can get along with either.

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