XD's… I had one ever so briefly.

by cas, Saturday, March 02, 2013, 23:06 (4229 days ago) @ rob

Bought it from a friend because the price was too good to pass up on and I wanted to try an XD for more than a few moments.

Seemed reliable and fairly accurate, I just could not bring myself to fall in love with it. Ugliness aside, it seemed very top heavy and snapped because of that. An M&P came along and the XD got gone. Just wasn't for me.

I made sure I got a picture of my three plastic 45's together before it sold though. ;-)


The Glock 36 I bought from another friend for the same reason, the price was too good to pass up. I figured I'd do like I always do, as a student of arms, buy it, play with it a while and send it on it's way. What I wasn't expecting is that I really really like it, so here it stayed.

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