Another vote here for the M&P

by Warhawk, Hot Springs, Arkansas, Saturday, March 02, 2013, 15:57 (4229 days ago) @ rob

I've owned several Glocks over the years, I was determined to get to the point that I could shoot one well. After trying at least a half dozen Glocks of various models, I have come to the conclusion that I just don't shoot them well. MY theory is that the 2x4 grip profile doesn't agree with my thick stubby hands.

After reading lots of favorable reviews, I bought the first M&P 9 that I saw for sale. I took it to the range and immediately was "at home" with it, it was like plinking with my Ruger MKII. I put my last remaining Glock up for sale the next day and have never looked back.

I get along fine with a stock M&P trigger, but have also owned a couple M&P's that had trigger jobs. A mid size M&P 45 with a Burwell trigger job was a fantastic range gun, but the trigger was far too light for me to trust it as a carry gun. Last year I stumbled into a bargain on another M&P 45 with a trigger job, but this one has the thumb safety making it a great carry piece.

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