Letter to the Editor

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 17:36 (4302 days ago) @ Rod M

"The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many gun owners have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further."

I would change it to read, "The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many Americans have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further."

Why? Because we've sold these guns to people who own NO OTHER FIREARM. Why? Because they felt the need to own NO OTHER FIREARM. By virtue of buying this one gun they are NOW gun owners but weren't when they made the purchase. Some have, we know, bought other firearms to cover all the bases or to enable them to carry concealed since the shootings in Aurora, CO and Clackamas, OR. They don't hunt, don't shoot except to "practice" and while they might enjoy their "practice" they don't buy the ammo (NONE reload) for frivolous reasons. Yes, many gun owners/enthusiasts/hobbyists have bought one or another to "beat the ban" but such purchases aren't exclusive to gun owners/enthusiasts/hobbyists.

I'd add that since God felt it was necessary to include the commandment to not murder in the 10 commandments many thousands of years ago, mankind by and large has not changed much and governments still kill their citizens to force them to do things.

That's just my take.



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