Letter to the Editor

by Charles, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 16:21 (4302 days ago) @ Rod M

If the purpose is to just vent your spleen and feel better, then send it as it.

If you purpose is to give information to those who dont have it and perhaps win a few to our side, then don't sent it without changes.

1. When you call anybody ignorant people will see you as arrogant and a know it all.

2. when you call people liars, then you will come accross as combative and demeaning. Even those leaning your way will be turned off.

Folks can be wrong and uniformed without being either ignorant or liars. When you show no respect for others and their opinions, then folks will show no respect for yours. It is possible to diagree without being disagreeable.

Just state your case and give you facts without attacking those who disagree with you.

Well, you asked....

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