Letter to the Editor

by Rod M, Thursday, December 20, 2012, 16:14 (4302 days ago)

I can't stand it any more. All the lies and ignorance from the main stream media, liberals, and big government types. I'm going to send a letter of the editor of the local paper. Here is what I'm planning to send:

The anti-rights crowd is at it again. They say nobody needs an AR-15 rifle. They say AR-15 rifles can’t be used for hunting. They are lying or ignorant of the facts, or, I suspect, both. The AR-15 rifle is modular, with separate upper unit (barrel and sights) and lower unit (stocks and trigger). I can think of 10 different caliber easily interchangeable uppers, all useful and used for hunting. The Second Amendment is not about hunting, though. It was meant to protect the people’s means to protect themselves from tyrannical government. The sales figures for AR-15 rifles after President Obama’s election and recent re-election are proof that many gun owners have drawn their line in the sand – here, and no further.

Is there anything I should add, keeping in mind the length limit of letters to the editor?


Rod M

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