I weigh sort my BPCR cast bullets like that - it does make a

by John K., Friday, November 16, 2012, 10:31 (4336 days ago) @ cas

huge difference. Another thing it tells you is whether your casting technique is consistant or not, as you are basically sorting and developing a Bell curve.

Like this:


Ignoring the standard deviation stuff, the sharper/narrower the peak, the better off you are. My first few attempts showed two peaks in the curve; turns out adding sprues back to the pot in large quantity affected the melt temp enough to cause a separate group of weights. I used this to hone my casting technique to minimize culls and eventually got to where I could cast 535gr Postel bullets with an expected variation of plus or minus 1gr. After that, sorting didn't seem to help much. Again, a case of diminishing returns for the effort.

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