Thoughts and questions on precision reloading

by Byron, Friday, November 16, 2012, 06:52 (4336 days ago)

Started reloading on a Lee Loader for a .243 45 years ago...loved seating the primers with a hammer...

Graduated to a Herters cast iron job about the time I got into highschool and then to a RCBS Rockchucker...

Now all loading done on a pair of small primer the other large...

For me reloading is like washing real big deal but just another chore...have other things I would perfer to spend my time on...

Pistol ammmo is loaded in bulk and fired after visual inspection....

5.56 and 7.62 is loaded in 100 round batches...weighed and the 10 heaviest and 10 lightest are set asside....this gives me ammunition that is consistent MOA and shoots about as good as I and my hardware can.


If Lee's fancy .300 Mag rifle with throw 3 into 1/2" at 500 yards with his would it shoot with ammo loaded like mine...full length sized, thrown charge, Dillon seated primers, bulk loaded...etc


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