Nowadays, with better components, there is something wrong

by John K., Friday, November 16, 2012, 10:21 (4336 days ago) @ Byron

either with the rifle, optics, or shooter if ammunition produced on a 550 with a modicum of care won't shoot somewhere about 1" @ 100yds. Not necessarily MOA at longer ranges, tho. That's where shooting technique, lock time, expensive optics, and fancy tricks make a huge difference.

In a basically stock rifle, all the other feel-good stuff generally doesn't pay off at reasonable ranges.

Here's a pic of what a 1909 Argentine Mauser with Shilen barrel will do with 550 reloads - repeatedly.


I do process the primer pockets with one of those Sinclair carbide cutting tools that references off the base of the case before I reload the cases. It does give a consistant and repeatable depth to the pocket.

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