Question for the Wise Ones

by Murphy @, Thursday, December 08, 2011, 12:12 (4682 days ago) @ bob

As others have already stated, it isn't uncommon for this to happen.

My memory won't allow me to recall which LEO agency it was, but it was a large department. It seems there were far too many failure to feed or eject problems after the 1st shot with their automatics. The guns were of good quality as was the ammunition.

After some questioning, it was common for a lot of the officers to go thru the same routine your stepson does nightly. Oddly enough the weapons that were failing after the 1st shot, were the ones that were loaded/unloaded every day using the same round time and again. Which, is when they discovered the shortened rounds from repeatedly hitting the feedramp. Needless to say, a lot of officers immediately changed habits.


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