yes, this is common

by bj @, Thursday, December 08, 2011, 10:25 (4682 days ago) @ Charles

If he does this every day then he needs to be aware of it and not keep doing it with the same cartridge. The photo shows a pretty extreme case. With the bullet seated that much deeper the pressures will be higher when the cartridge fires. Whether it matters or not would be difficult to answer but just a little change in case volume can make a big difference in pressure.

The best thing to do if he has to unload/reload every day is to watch the cartridge on top and when he starts to detect it getting shorter, put that cartridge aside for practice and put a new one on top. A single cartridge can tolerate a few hits on the feed ramp but doing it every day will eventually lead to a problem. Spread the hits around to more than one cartridge and he won't have to throw away any ammo.

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