This is really a question and not a criticism...

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 10:11 (4422 days ago) @ Hoot

But why do people carry in their back pocket? So that they can go for their "wallet" and get the drop on somebody?

For me, everything in my back pockets is a PITA. Even my wallet. I try to mitigate it with uneven success. When in uniform my wallet went in the capacious right breast pocket. Sometimes I stick it in one of the front pants pockets (especially when driving any distance). I can't imagine trying to carry a pistol in a back pocket. I read that Venturino carries in his back pocket. I've a lot of respect for those of you here. I just don't understand it. Yes, lots of customers "try" these little guns in their back pockets, even the ladies in TIGHT jeans. Heck some carry their smart phones there! That I really don't get, how many of those are broken when they sit down? Seriously, I just don't get it.



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