Related, but separate, to Otony's post below...

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Thursday, August 23, 2012, 08:09 (4422 days ago)

My LCP has ridden in a pocket holster daily, EVERY day since May '08, unless I needed to get on a plane....for work; I do not often do so voluntarily. And I almost got into the airport with it once but Miss Beth saved my hiney with a reminder.

It "disappears" in a pocket. I forget it's there (see airport reference above). It makes a very effective "always gun". I will keep it in my pocket even if I have some other arm on my belt (and in my pack and... ;-) )

However, (you knew there'd be a 'however' dincha?), it developed an annoying habit of popping the mag loose. The mag release seemed a bit touchy from Day 1 but it has gradually gotten worse to the point that the mag will release when pocketing the holster, when sitting down, when a stiff wind blows (yeah, it's in a back pocket). So, it is currently on the shelf waiting to head back to Ruger.

I suspect the mag release 'edge' is worn or out of spec. Probably an easy fix. Also, it makes no difference which magazine is used or which ammo is contained therein.

So, there's my field report spanning 4-1/4 years and about 200 or so rounds. Currently, a Kel-Tec P-32 rides in the same holster. It's less experienced but it was handy and filled the role.

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