A coupe of more thoughts...

by Sarge ⌂ @, Central Misery, Wednesday, August 15, 2012, 12:32 (4430 days ago) @ Rob Leahy

Weight/size issues aside-

I've had both a 1991A1 Commander and AMU-built 1945 Ithaca go well over 3000 rounds w/o a bobble. This included a lot of reloads, mostly SWC. The Ithaca carried me through a week of NRA range officer school in 100 degree heat, and digested 800 rounds of 200 grain LSWC reloads in the process. It was wiped off, given a little oil in the rails and really only cleaned once, about mid week. No bobbles of any kind.

My 2012 Rock Island had a short chamber but once THAT was corrected, it has never failed regardless of what it's fed. Let's see... that's a full box of MO Bullet 200 LSWC, about 100-150 of the 225 Flatheads, an easy 500-600 rounds of assorted ball and a couple hundred JHP's.

The design--when correctly executed--is as reliable as anything yet devised. Following the blueprint is critical, but improvements in barrel throats and magazines have made the gun even more reliable than it was. The gun does require good magazines and good ammunition, of proper OAL and firmly crimped.

I've taken a number of real problem children and corrected their ills, usually at very little expense. One 'eggspert' in particular postulates that it costs about a grand, in the ministrations and machinations of a wizard such as himself, to make a 1911 reliable. That is fertilizer. This isn't alchemy, despite what you might read on the Internet and elsewhere. Otherwise, I couldn't do it.

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