Around the Water Cooler: Ken Hackathorn and the State

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 17:18 (4431 days ago)

of the industry.

-- Currently there are negative perceptions that are being expressed on the 1911 style pistol. Your take?

"I have a hard time being objective about it," he said. "I grew up with it, invested a lot of effort in learning how to use it."

The basic service pistol, the 1911 pattern gun has gotten the job done for over a century. "I carried it daily." The question as to whether the gun will withstand a 2,000 round test or class without cleaning or lube is silly.

"My question is, "Will the gun go three magazines without choking?"" he said. "I only carry three magazines with the gun. As a practical matter, it's most important that the gun work through that load."

The rest of the article is at the link. Very interesting to me as well. While attending the home of the 1911, Gunsite, nearly half the instructors were carrying guns other than 1911s. All the others were various forms of tactical Tupperware. G-19/23 was the most obvious second choice but FNC45s and others were present.
Will we be the last generation that appreciates the 1911 like we do?

Of the Troops & For the Troops

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