Sunday Morning Tampa Tribune - Michael Gerson

by Jeff Taylor @, Tampa FL, Sunday, July 29, 2012, 10:25 (4447 days ago) @ Duane Wheeler

This morning a View article in The Tampa Tribune by Washington Post Writers Group author Michael Gerson made a very convincing justification for "reasonable gun control" and restrictions on high capacity magazines to 10 rounds. The article is pretty level-headed in its presentation and even admits that until a mental health screening is available for the purchase of guns further laws will have a very limited effect.

The blatant omission is the fact a restriction forcing a mentally unbalanced killer to reload will not stop his killing spree. Legally carried concealed weapons used against the killer are the only realistic way to stop such an event. Policies to prohibit concealed carry are to blame, lack of mental health registries are to blame, not a magazine capacity.

Prohibitions to concealed carry in certain businesses are policies, not laws. There is a difference.

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