Sunday Morning News

by Duane Wheeler @, Kerrville, TX, Saturday, July 28, 2012, 14:43 (4448 days ago)

Saw on Fox News last nite where SC Justice Scalia will be interviwed Sunday Morning
regarding the Colo shooting and his opnion on hi-cap magazines, etc. While he may be
a strong supporter of the 2d Amendment his comments tommorrow w/be interesting! If
the ususal Senators who recently filed the new Senate Bill can generate enough support as a result of the shooting,and get the general populace involved it is very hard to predict what will happen. As long as Ovomit is in office (2d term is
possible) nothing can be left for granted. The UN Treaty must be taken seriously. To many gun owners are hoping enough Senators won't ratify it. Even if another magazine/assault wpns ban made it to the Supreme Court, perhaps Alito, Scalia might support us, Roberts is to wishy washy & cannot be counted on, Kennedy who knows.The liberals constantly use the their worn out theme about hi-cap magazines,"so-called" assault(military look alikes),etc and after enough hammering the powers that be will cave in. Same tactic Ovmit uses to tax the rich over $250,00. Hitler used the same type themes in his rise to power.
Just look at the progress the Gay movement has made, even now Pandering Panetta, Sec of Def has authorized active duty Gays,Lesbians to march in uniform at a Gay parade
in Kalif at the end of Aug. Panetta said it is a one time deal but once a precedent has started it wll be nearly impossible to stop.If any old timer remembers, after Kennedy was assinated then Pres. Johnson pushed thru the GCA of 68. His "asinine" comment was "it will cause no more problem than getting a dog tag for your pet." This
push was easy because of public sentiment about the Kennedy shooting. IMHO today we
have far to many gun owners who are complacent,chastise the NRA for shallow reasons and refuse to get involved. Without them gun owners would have virtually nothing, the 2d Amendmdent notwithstanding. Sadly,because of their pitiful indifference and lack of support they will drag down those who are fighting for the 2d Amendment. We must ALL stand together or collectively lose our ARSES. Talk is dam cheap,action is
what counts and desperately needed!!

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