This is good!

by JohnKDM, Friday, January 10, 2025, 18:56 (55 days ago) @ AaronB

Glad it worked for you.

Yes, it was a solid memory. My Dad died when I was 13 from ALS, so this happened when I was 11 or 12yo. With three kids in private school, money was tight. Having to reclassify 'good' clothes to 'work' clothes and purchase new was a hit on the finances, no doubt.

The reason I said use some old towels or somesuch was to scrub the grease. It works far better than just soapy water. You can prove this by smearing grease on your forearm and trying to wash it off with just your hand and soapy water - doesn't work very well. Now try it with a soapy rag and it transfers to the rag...

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