Too much SNAP for my preference...

by Paul ⌂, Saturday, January 06, 2024, 20:19 (257 days ago) @ JimT

every now and then I borrow a 357 while up north. Shoot it a bit and remember why I don't own one. At least not yet. :-D I keep thinking MAYBE I'll buy one, but the ones I'm interested in are few and far between. So, in my case, the 357 is too much loud. Haven't shot enough 327 Federal through the wife's little seven shooter to remember, but likely it's about same same for obnoxious. She's shot it enough to know she prefers the 32 SWL.

I've still never seen a 30 Super Carry, but last summer saw a bunch of ammo offered for sale, while "old" calibers were still absent from the same shelves. Seems to me they'd have been miles ahead to furnish the ammo folks need for the guns they already have, but I'm not a fancy pants marketing dude, so what do I know?

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