I have not played in that game.

by Paul ⌂, Thursday, November 09, 2023, 11:10 (315 days ago) @ Hoot

I'd encourage you to get a GOOD pellet pistol and work at it indoors. Winter's a good time to set up a carboard pellet trap and indulge in a bit of target practice. It doesn't take too much to make a good trap.

I took an apple box and filled it with sheets of cardboard recycled from other boxes. Cut to fit tightly in the apple box, vertical with the broad side towards the firing line (of the inner cardboard, I shoot the apple box small end towards me). Layered this way you've got a couple feet of cardboard behind the target you tape to the front. I've shot this with 38 spl, 7.62 ACP and innumerable pellets at all levels of power, and never had a shot exit the box. When there's a sizable cavity behind the bullseye I just stuff it full of shredded paper from the office shredder and tape a clean piece of cardboard over the face of the trap and have another go at it.

I also use a wide variety of targets I print out myself, different sizes for different holds or different airguns. I really should shoot more often, but this lets me set up fairly easily and quickly and using a low powered airgun in the house is possible without appealing to ear protection as the report is so low. I really need to get my IZH 46M out again and have another round of pistol practice, perhaps after the Field Target nationals next month.

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