Precision Pistol, again...

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, November 07, 2023, 19:17 (317 days ago) @ Hobie

Mark Godley let me shoot his Model 41 back in 2012 when we stopped at his place on our way north. What a lovely piece of machinery! I've no idea what vintage it was, but definitely pre-2012 since that's when we were there. I'd love to have an accurate cartridge gun here, but have to make do with a couple of Crosman 2240's (one modded to .177 caliber) and an IZH 46M that chas gifted me years ago. I've not taken much time for handguns this year, other than while up in the US.

Anyway, all that to say that I look forward to your experience in running two top tier handguns of different systems against each other.

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