With the advent of the SSK-50 (long ramble)

by Paul ⌂, Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 06:47 (360 days ago) @ Jared

I'm no recoil junkie (quite the opposite) so am narrowing my thinking towards the 32 - 38 range of choices. With the upcoming delivery of 327 brass, that makes a lot of sense. Sheri doesn't care for the bark of the mag loads in her Shootist Bisely, and I've always wanted to play with the round in a longer barrel to get more out of it. The downside, as you've noted, is the cost of barrels. A sightless one could be ordered for only $20 more than the action itself. Ouch! At this point it's just an idea. Who knows if I'll ever be able to follow up on it? Only time, that shameless gossip, will tell. I keep thinking of last year's stint in the hay fields and how handy it would have been to have a flat shooting popper on the tractor with me. A 10" singleshot would have been quite handy.

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