Notes from today's time at the range.

by Hobie ⌂ @, Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, Sunday, September 03, 2023, 09:42 (382 days ago) @ A K Church

First and foremost I'm glad you got to the range.

2. Anymore I urinate before leaving for the range, on arrival at the range and before leaving the range.

3. I was the ONLY revolver shooter in our NRA Precision pistol (all .22 LR) "league".

4. I shot CCI Standard Velocity. It does work well in a suppressor. I am not good enough to tell the difference between that and match ammo although it does require a sight change when using other ammo.

5. I have an M4gery because I should, as noted, as it is a "constitutional" requirement. But only OLD (as in older than me) semi-autos interest me like the Garand, Remington Model 8, and the Browning .22 Auto (mine is the derivative Remington 241).

6. BOTH of the ranges (clubs) of which I'm a member have a light alarm system for going cold and failure to use it is grounds for expulsion. We have pretty good compliance even when no one else is at the range. We know this because we also have security cameras.

7. I should have a good spotting scope. I don't. I'm open to recommendations.



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