A friend of mines Mother was pregnant....

by anachronism, Sunday, June 11, 2023, 17:14 (466 days ago) @ JimT

A friend of mines Mother was pregnant with him during the Starkweather murder spree in our area in 1958. She and her husband lived in a small trailer house here in beautiful Lincoln and was living alone while her husband was working out of town, building the Interstate through Nebraska. She admitted to being really nervous about the whole Starkweather affair, but was a sturdy, solid girl and kept the door locked at home and always had her 22 revolver handy.

As you might guess, she heard a noise late one night and fired a warning shot through the wall of the bedroom. There was no further noises that night, and I'm sure the cat or raccoon that made the noise hightailed it for the next county. Her husband came home the next evening and repaired the holes in the walls. As we were growing up together, she would always be the first one to bring this up if it fit in the conversation.

My Mom had a similar story as well. I compare this to a lot of the behavior I see in people these days and my pride in these ladies being willing and able to deal with this sort of thing is great. It really was a different world then. Neither of these women had so much as a phone to call for help.

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