For me, it depends.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 11:45 (492 days ago) @ Gunner

I don't spend any time annealing anything 'easy-to-get' like '06 or .308. I use 'em until they split and toss 'em. I do however, anneal things that are hard to find or expensive (or both) as well as things I need to form out of some parent brass or another. I don't think I shoot well enough to worry much on 'consistent neck tension', etc. Also, unless needed during forming, I won't turn or ream necks either. I'll trim to length but don't care much for that chore.

I use a cordless drill motor with a copper pipe fitting (cap and nipple) with a screw through the center. It's crude and looked down upon by some but seems to get me by. I have seriously thought about the Anneal-eeze (sp?) machine but haven't done anything about that yet.

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