
by Gunner @, St Louis, Wednesday, May 17, 2023, 11:08 (492 days ago)

Curious to what everyone thinks about annealing your rifle brass, I used to think it was silly for the regular reloader to mess with as it was only for bench rest shooters. But I wonder if it isn't for just the BR guys. The last few years I have noticed that new brass shows a clear anneal mark, never used to. While low volume guys might not care but with the high cost of components these days would the investment in hand annealing or a machine might be worth it in the long run. Longer brass life and more consistent neck tension on the bullet, which is the main reason I am looking into it. Especially with bottle neck cases that are not crimped and rely mainly on neck tension to keep the bullet in place.

Manual method is a propane torch and a jig/socket/hand made gizmo in a hand drill and you rotate the case neck in the flame to anneal it.

Or you can go high tech and buy a machine like this.......

They are several companies making similar machines but this ones wheel design works with all case unlike some that require different wheels for different cases. Or really high tech units that cost over $1,595 like the AMP units.


41 Mags rule, Baers rock!

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