Have you had any training in thier use? Are they legal in

by Rob Leahy ⌂ @, Prescott, Arizona, Saturday, December 24, 2022, 23:47 (635 days ago) @ Gunner

your jurisdiction? Is it less than lethal in your jurisdiction? A straight stick is a heck of a lot better than any collapsible baton. (Same legal and practicle questions apply, are they legal, lethal or less than lethal force, do you have training or certification in this weapon's use)
best advice, Stay in your vehicle, it's the best weapon you have.
Not the answer you were looking for. Maybe you have training certifications with these, I hope so, for your sake.
I have trained with Greg Ellifritz a couple different times. He's intelligent and experienced as both a LEO and an armed citizen... I try and pay attention to what he has to say...


His weekend knowledge dump is worth subscribing to in an of itself.

anther is the Tactical Professor


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