I don't have any but I'm not a'gain them.

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Saturday, December 03, 2022, 19:05 (656 days ago) @ RayLee

One of my sons got on a 40 kick and ended up with a bunch of "modern, plastic pistols" They all seem to work just fine. The ballistics are nothing to sneeze at really so I honestly don't have any complaints. But still I plug along with my .45's and my .38's.

What do I carry mostly? A Ruger LC9S in 9mm. It's flat. It's light. It's easy.

I don't want to be shot with so much as a pellet gun (and I have) so I'm hoping the other guy feels the pretty much same and then caliber won't matter too much. Maybe 'whistling past the graveyard' but that's the plan.

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