10mm kurtz.....

by woody, Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 07:51 (661 days ago) @ E Sisk
edited by woody, Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 08:03

Yep. The .45 is a 9mm already expanded!!! The dept I worked for carried M&P .45’s. Before that 3rd generation S&W 45’s. What a piece of junk!!! The M&P’s were a very shootable gun for everyone. Except the deputies that would be a horrible shot with anything. Lol. Most of them were horrible shots. Missing the target shooting in the dirt at the 7 yard line etc. I worked in corrections and we always outshot the deputies!!!!! It pissed them off. That included their “ERT” team. They sure dressed the part like they played it on TV. Lol

But back on the subject the 40 will do a ythig the 9 mm will with a heavier bullet and same when stepping up to the .45. I never found the .40 hard to control or have a lot of recoil. Snappier than the 9 for sure but very controllable .

One of the local dept’s carried M&P 40’s. They didn’t hold up to alot of shooting. Not like a Glock 22. Had issues after 4-5 years.

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