If there's one thing I hate...

by Paul ⌂, Monday, February 21, 2022, 17:58 (942 days ago)

it's making sure my person and hand luggage are "TSA Friendly". I'll try and leave the stockman in my pocket only until I get my jeans ready for 0'dark-thirty tomorrow. Heading north for a few days/weeks to see how we can continue to honor our mom during a difficult time in her life.

She spent from 1971 to 2014 living and ministering in northern Brazil. She touched a lot of lives and made a huge difference to many. Much of the current crop of leadership there owes their Christian upbringing to a farm girl from SW Colorado who followed her husband to an unknown land where she raised her family and continued to minister even after her life's partner passed away. Her mind wanders and she's not always sure of the identity of her kids, but she knows for sure "I belong to Jesus". She had a bad spell a couple weeks ago and we thought she was on her way out, but she's rallied again and it looks like I get to see her this side of the grave at least one more time.

Prayers for my travels tomorrow and for Janet Moreland's health situation are greatly appreciated. We've seen God's hand moving in all this situation and we are at peace with however He chooses to move. Don't know how long I'll be up there, so prayers for my lovely bride and the congregation here too are appreciated as well.

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