Rest In Peace

by Slow Hand ⌂ @, Indiana, Friday, December 17, 2021, 04:01 (1008 days ago) @ Otony

Bob was a great guy! He shared so much information and experience with me, especially when I was a young, dumb punk! We shared many similar interest and he was always a good one to bounce ideas off of. I went back through some of our emails this past week and honestly I’d forgotten about many of the things he’d shared with me. I am very sad that we never got to meet in person, but I know my life is better for having known him online. Heck, even if you discard all of the life, hunting, relationship, and gun knowledge he passed on to me, he introduced me to Flogging Molly, a;Irish punk band that Jenny and I have seen four times now live in concert, just those fond memories would have never happened without knowing Bob! He was the same age as my dad, but he felt like a cool uncle, always listening to my hair brained ideas and encouraging me to try them or giving me small pushes in the right direction to make them happen more realistically!

He definitely filled out his dash for sure. He will be missed!

“When you die, they’ll bury you and at your head will be a chunk of rock. On that rock will be your name and under that will be two dates; separated by a dash. Make the most of your dash!”

Thanks for everything, Bob!
Doug K


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