Bob Mills, aka fatboy has passed

by Otony, Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:42 (1009 days ago)
edited by Otony, Thursday, December 16, 2021, 21:47

This past Saturday, our friend fatboy passed away while in the midst of making his beloved first cup of coffee. And for Bob, making that coffee was a true ritual, almost akin to a high priest serving in the Temple. Certainly no less important in his eyes. Knowing Bob, who was the epitome of a curmudgeon, I imagine he would be more upset at not getting to drink his coffee than over his own passing.

Some of you may recall him from previous iterations of this board, dating all the way back to the Taylor days. He was a frequent contributor back then, who over the years slowly stopped posting. But he shared many an email with myself and dozens of others up to the time of his passing.

He lived a full, rich, and honorable life, serving with distinction in SE Asia, working in the Washington State Penal System, and finally retiring from the DEA. He was preceded in death by the love of his life, Audrey. He was a friend I will miss dearly, and I will always regret not spending more time with him.

Quite a few of us became aware of his passing on the Facebook version of this page, and Doug Kinnaman reminded me that some of the members here are not Facebook users, so we thought it best to notify all of you.

May his Memory be ever Eternal!


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