The gifts I never wanted

by Murphy @, Wednesday, March 10, 2021, 19:55 (1290 days ago) @ Hoot

Fathers. Mine wasn't an outdoors person, nor a gun person per. I say that, but when he passed away 20 years ago, he did own a Win 94 in 30-30 for going up to visit and hang out with family during dear season. He also had a .410 pump shotgun for pests and such, and one handgun. I've passed the long guns down to his only grandson. The single, most valuable to me, handgun in my safe that can't be bought is his old RG 38 Special. A couple of pocket knives and some hand tools and that sums it up. The most important thing, is the lessons he taught me about life. God alone, knows how many times those lessons have came into play since he departed.

And yes, Mr. & Mrs. Gibson raised a son anyone would be proud to call theirs.


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