The gifts I never wanted

by Hoot @, Diversityville, Liberal-sota, Tuesday, March 09, 2021, 19:32 (1291 days ago)

My Dad was a tough and fair man. He always said, “I think your Mother did a good job of raising you.” He never thought he had a role but he did.

He introduced me to shooting at about the age of 7 and it’s a hobby that has stayed with me ever since and has brought so many good folks into my life.

He taught me to hunt. To enjoy the glorious out-of-doors. To revel in what God has wrought.

He taught me honesty and sticking to your word.

He taught me to be an example to my own children. And I find myself saying, “Your Mother did a good job of raising you.”

My brother and I recently finished going through his arms. They, by my Dad’s wishes. were to be divided evenly. And I believe we accomplished that task. Of course, there were things I coveted. And, of course, there were things I either never knew he had or had forgotten. I will probably never get to shoot them all. Both my brother and I are planning a “Dad Hunt” this year. We have more than enough to outfit whoever comes up to chase deer with us. They will all be required to carry something of Dad’s or they will not be allowed to participate.

His legacy is deep...deeper that I would have guessed. I am blessed in ways I am still discovering. His gifts go well beyond his arms.

He really was my hero.

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