Thanks! On the same subject...

by Paul ⌂, Sunday, March 29, 2020, 17:01 (1636 days ago) @ bj

about 7 years ago I figured out that the probability of someone requesting assistance in getting an old Intel 486 based computer or even an original Pentium based computer were somewhere between slim and none. SO I hauled the various tid-bits out and left them for the recyclers - who were thrilled to get them. (on trash days there are folks here who beat the trash trucks to the barrio and pick up whatever odds and ends they can sell or use). A couple days later (we were getting ready for a move) I hauled my old WordPerfect 5.1 and DrawPerfect X.X (can't recall which version it was) manuals along with some of the same general vintage out and gave them to one of the recyclers. Since they sell such things by the kilo, this was a treasure trove to her. Sure beats building a kilo of "office scrap" a sheet at a time. She was back the next trash day expecting to make another haul...

Now as to bits of hardware, I've got three stacking plastic organizers of various bolts, nuts, screws and other fasteners. I try to keep some of the basic sizes well stocked, but there's plenty of odd ball stuff rattling around in there to fill some interesting niches at times. In this house at least I have a "shop" which is what I call the spare spare bedroom where we actually had room to get my miscellaneous tools together mostly in once place and even have a work bench of sorts against one wall. Jack of all trades, master of none, but I've got bits and pieces that'll work to patch up things for a variety of needs when they arise.

It's about time to go through the smaller stash of computer stuff and see what I can toss now. Most of what's left is still reasonably current - except for the paucity of items for the more common laptop computers. Most of what I've got is desktop oriented.

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